The Sanskrit term for the mind is manas. It is a central concept in Ayurvedic psychology, and it’s believed to be one of the most important aspects of the human body. The manas is considered to be a central component of the five layers (or “koshas”) that make up every person, along with anna maya kosha, prana maya kosha, vijnanamaya kosha, and anandamaya kosha. Along with these components, manas is one of the subtle bodies that make up our gross physical body.Manas has three main aspects: satwa (purity), rajas (activity), and tamas (inertia). Satwa represents our pure nature; it’s associated with knowledge and enlightenment. Rajas represents our active nature; we’re driven by desire when this aspect dominates us. Tamas represents our ignorant nature; we’re lazy when this aspect dominates usThe three aspects of mind work together as part of a system called tri-guna.